
How do I configer Bloodshed to ignore programming errors when compiling ?

I never knew you could ignore errors… If there is an error, then it just won’t be able to compile it, because it won’t know what you mean.

I must know…What is this Bloodshed that you speak of? It sounds exceedingly fun. :smiley:

Al_capone: If it’s an error it won’t work so it can’t be compiled. Why do you want to ignore errors anyway.

Merc: it’s a programming program for c++ and some other languages

Because this program is to work with AutoCad, it has all the right libary but there’s one error in the line or something Bloodshed can’t reconizee. Here’s the error.

adsrx\sample\mountain\mountain.cpp: In function char * strsave(char *)': adsrx\sample\mountain\mountain.cpp:954: implicit declaration of function int acrx_abort(…)’

i suggest you go to and ask them as i’m new to c++ and only know the basics.

At least you know the basics, I don’t know a thing, so no point of asking someone there.

give it a go they’re helpful and will get your problem solved in a jiffy

Do you mean errors or warning messages ? Inhibit all warning messages is an option ( under compiler options).

I try the C+ forum, but they won’t help because I don’t know any C programming language.