'k, it’s Dave 'ere. I have a question… since I had downloaded the array3.blend file for tests, and it had some cool bloom effect ( light&color coming out of the mesh, looking kinda cool ! )
Anyway, I want to learn how to reproduce the Bloom effect. Is anyone willingly OK to help? Thanks! Here is the attachment, I hope…
Oh, and this is the non-bloom render. The scene is totally made by me. One Lamp, one cube, one camera.
Here’s one way to do it. Check the Elephants Dream production files to see how they did it.
Thanks, man, but not that kind of hard thingie. I am still a noob. I started blending about 6 months ago… but really, thanks. I will try to do that.
That doesn’t work for me :[
"k, BeBraw! Thanks. It kinda worked for me. Although I have a question : What Blender version do you use? The Node icon looked strange to me, and the values are different. I mean, I tried that in 2.43 RC2 and , man, I got a motion blur, instead of bloom, but I managed getting the bloom by playing with the buttons. And I found another way to do this : What if, you use a lot of lights, activate motion blur and move camera, it should result into a blur-bloom effect… But nah, that way is better. So again thanks!
I am using current CVS version with jendrzych’s icon set.
By the way you might want to check out flash tutorial made by Nico Hagen. It can be found at http://www.nicohagen.com/blender_comp_nodes.html . It shows how to produce the bloom effect.
Dudes! Other dudes! I found another way to do bloom! Just render your project, then load it in the Sequence Editor, then at Scene, Anim, be SURE you set “Do Sequence”. In the Sequence editor, just load your movie(s)/photo(s) , seclect them, and add GLOW. Then render. It should be rendered fast even for slower machines, since it only has to change some simple stuff. But don’t over-grow the resolution of the render, since it may go nasty because of the codec.
isnt this just kinda like the “Glow effect”?
I’m aware of the sequence glow way, a lot of people are, unfortunately though, it also requires doubling back and external file management, and to be perfectly frank I like the node-based way better, as it’s contained within the render and allows more control.
Yea, man. I agree, but for starters, that’s a good… start! So, here’s a wallpaper for 16:10 monitors (like I have)… let’s see if it will upload And, a test thing. I think I will soon call for net hosting services, since I have lots to share, and I have a strong defence config. (at least I think)
PS: Dear admin, I think the thread is coming to a close, since the question is almost answered. Thanks.
This is my project : The Heart of Maxxor
Told ya’ I’ll have my videos uploaded soon!
You can load the Scene as a strip, so no doubling back or external files are required.
And check out the AnimGlow plugin effect - the glow can be animated over time like the traditional glowing uranimum rock thing. see http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Sequence_Plugins
Well, thanks, that’s good to know!