what what ? how was this burried under all the other threads and got no feedback ?
that must be discouraging to the developer.
You should be part of blenders core developer team TBH !!! how can we pitch this to eevee team ? Im inclined to post this in the eevee next thread on developer feedback forum, but they will probably ban me lol.
but that must be becasue NOONE EVER KNEW THIS EXISTED.
Over the last years i´ve seen 100s of comments in several platforms and threads which ask for rtx implementation.
The featureset is so awesome and out of this world.
OP you must rerelease this and try to market it differently @stkrake.
It could be THE featured addon on any platform , i think you didnt put enough into the marketing and affiliate. Everybody will support you if they actually know what this is and does. 100%
edit: giving this a friendly name like “eevee rtx executioner”(lol) or just “rtx for eevee”, “eevee hardware raytracer” instead of “blrstr” might have helped too.
Damn, I also just stumbled upon this and have no idea how I never saw it before. I know this sort of implementation would never work with official blender since it only works in Windows, but damn. With Eevee Next still in a rough place, this addon would be a gamechanger that I’d happily pay for.