My Sculpting attempt #1 to try and make something organic turned out way better than expected
Hope you guys like it :eyebrowlift2:
My Sculpting attempt #1 to try and make something organic turned out way better than expected
Hope you guys like it :eyebrowlift2:
The sculpting is nice. A little more work on the eye would make it more relaistic.
Do you mean like eyelids?? or something else?
No the eye ball can be more reflective and moist.
I don’t think the eye is positioned quite correctly either. It should be a bit bigger and positioned higher and more to the back of the head.
apart from that, really nice.
+1 on what guss said also his scales dont really look like scales…
it would give a more dramatic eyelook if you made that eye more centered and the pupil slimmer =), a quick google search revelead that snakes dosent look forward at all from the pictures =)