are they even possible? that’s what I want to know ^.^
also, what about throw shadows? is that possible with or without GLSL? or to somehow use or FAKE more than 8 lights? or texture “projectors” that draw an image on top of everything in their area of effect, a good example would be to use that as a throw shadow, for example:
you have a plane that works as a projector, and it projects a heart-shaped black alpha texture downwards, so everything in its (lets say cone-shaped) area of effect will get a heart or a part of the heart drawn on them. that could be used to fake light and shadows and make all kinds of freaky effects, with projectors like that you could make the next Doom 3 (almost XD) because it was mostly just playing with light and normal maps, everything was so low-poly it was… gruesome looking at them at lower settings and in wireframe. o.O
sorry, I just had to ask… I’m such a dummy so I need people to explain things for me.
Hi, I use both Quest3d and Blender GE, so i have had some dealings with these types of effects.
For the first one you need the ability to render a scene (or a specific camera’s output) to a texture. Once there it can have all sorts of effects applied to it via a shader. Render to Texture tends to be a built in engine feature (which I don’t thing Blender GE has yet). I have not yet heard of a purely shader based method to do this (but I could be wrong…)
The second idea is more feasable but probably not via the method you mentioned. Usually with projected textures (except in the purpose built game engines of course…) you have to apply the projected texture manually to any object that will be affected by it using a camera or other object as a set of coordinates from which the texture appears to be projected from. You are right in thinking that this could be used for flashlights, ect, but it will take quite a while to set it up for each object. This can probably be done completely within a shader however.
I hope this answers your questions and I also hope that everything I said is true, I have been known to get it wrong sometimes…
Good Luck!
BTW Hirpo, sorry I didn’t answer that PM you sent me in 2005; I don’t come here very often and check my PM folder…
Projection planes as described above, though, would make an excellent new feature. A lot of the “fantastic new features” we’ve been getting lately are actually not very useful in my opinion. I don’t think I’ll ever make my own Python shaders or set up environment maps in the game engine. I haven’t even used the “Use Blender Materials” setting. I would, however, make use of projection planes, especially if they were well-integrated.