I have node setup for a shadow of a transparent png image sequence. I want to blur the image (edges) like in the second image. Can someone show me quick node setup, based on my current setup on how to achieve this in the Shader Editor. I need to do it as a shader, not in the compositor. Thanks
You can’t do it in the shader editor, sorry
Actually, there is a way to blur a texture in the material editor. As long as it’s a texture with a vector input.
The “linear light” node is a “mixRGB” node, you can change its mode. The factor controls the amount of blur.
This works on images, yes, but not on alpha, unless something has changed recently
Then, it could still be done, but you would have to separate the alpha as its own separate image sequence. A bit inconvenient, but not impossible.
now this is just an idea, but I’d give a shot to this -
you have an image -
with an apha channel -
take the exlusion of the same alpha channel -
use etn249’s bluir trick -
and use this as a factor of a mix between the blurred and unblurred image -
here’s a scene to play with, if you think it helps -
alpha_blur.blend (1.8 MB)
Ignore the white outline, that’s an issue with the image, I just downloaded the first one google threw at me.
This is great, i will have a look, thanks!!!
shadow template.blend (1.8 MB)
Hi Dan, im new to node setups like this so i really appreciate your help. I need to implement your node setup with my current shadow group node i have applied. Have a look at my blend file. Would you be able to amend my blend file for me.
Your file isn’t working because the blur section is incomplete, you are missing the texture coordinates node.
Also, make sure your main material is plugged in the output if you want to see the effect, right now a it’s a different node group that’s used.
Anyway, I just checked and blurring the alpha does seem to work, so you could just copy that blur setup inside your shadow group and plug it into the texture there. That should give you what you wanted originally.
Thanks for this guys, appreciated
Hello, I have the same problem, when I use bump nodes, the surface will appear jagged distortions, I don’t know what the reason is
1.blend (2.6 MB)
the file is above
It’s hard to tell exactly what your problem is, as you didn’t pack the textures in the file. I don’t think your problem is the same one as in this thread, did you post this at the right place?
But, I can immediately see some problems with the way you have done your bump.
The objects aren’t modeled to scale. This is a small hand held tool, but it’s multiple meters in size. That will make it harder to adjust the bump’s strength, as it depends on the object’s size.
The scale of the objects isn’t applied. This makes the scale problem even bigger, because the objects are treated as if they were a different size than they actually are. You will get inconsistent bump from one object to the next, even for the same settings.
On the center piece, the bump texture has a weird choice of color space. Use “non-color” for best results. Also, the bump has a huge “distance” value. If you scale the object correctly and apply its scale, you will need to change that (the bump’s “distance” is in meters, so a distance of 0.001 (1mm) is probably appropriate here).
I see a jagged surface on the spiral, but that’s only because the normal map is missing. If it was there, the spiral would look correct.