Blurry interface

Hi! After my retarded brother shut off the power for the comp, while Blender was still on, my blender got kinda blurry or something. Look at the text, it’s all gray and blurry, pixelated too but you can’t see that on this picture.
I use Blender 2.42A on Windows XP. I’ve tried to reinstall it but it doesn’t work. What should I do?

IIRC, the problem may come from your video card driver.
Try to disable Anti-aliasing in the configuration panel of your video card driver and everything should look ok.

I couldn’t find the Anti aliasing on my driver but I don’t think that’s the issue, as it’s only affecting Blender.

Try setting your monitor’s refresh rate a step or 2 lower than it’s current setting. I just steped down the rate on my mom’s pc cuz everything on it was a bit blured, web pages especially. Don’t know about the aliasing issue. If you reintsalled Blender, did you uninstall it first? If you didn’t then try that. I’ve noticed that trying to over write the directory with a fresh install doesn’t help much otherwise. It WILL NOT delete your .blend files…at least it won’t on windoze. You may have to reinstall any python scripts though.

Not sure but do you mean the refresh frequency? That’s the only one I’ve found and it wasn’t possible to turn it down. 60 hz was the only optioin available.

I tried uninstalling and installing Blender again and it still doesn’t work. Also I’ve noticed some other problems with Blender, like when I’m going to select a vertice in solid edit mode it selects wrong vertice.

I think it has to do with some system file or something cause when my brother shut off the power (without quiting windows) and we started the comp again it started to remove lots of files. Do anyone know where I can download these again? I’m going to try Windows Update.

[EDIT]Windows Update didn’t work, damnet.[/EDIT]

Sounds very strange, you might have corrupted something important:eek:
If you haven’t already, try CHKDSK.

Yup, that’s what I meant.

You may need to reinstall your graphics drivers. Ctrl Pannel>Administrative Tools>Device Manager>Hardware>Display Adapters. Open and select watever adapter you find inside. Right click for properties and troubleshooting. You’ll also find the option to reinstall from there but you may need a disk to do so.

This is a well-known problem that may affect Blender interface.
Maybe it isn’t called Anti-aliasing in your driver properties.
Maybe it is called “supersampling” (nvidia) or “oversampling”, or SMOOTHVISION (ATI) …

Wohoo, that solved it. Thank you, Oxben and everyone else for helping me solve this. It’s kindsa strange that the anti-aliasing affected the selection. But I’m happy that it worked out.