Has anybody some experience with them? It seems, Aqsis is growing to an interesting Renderman® compatible renderer and I’m thinking about merging into it.
if a Question, the proper forum would be :
" Questions & Answers "
I know, but it’s not a question about Blender, so I’ve decided to post it here. It’s little bit off topic, don’t you think?
I have only used BMRT, but I have heard about the others. I think 3Delight is the most advanced at the moment, but I have also heard it has some inconsistencies with the renderman standard. Aqsis is developing quick, and isn’t perfect yet, but should be pretty good in the future. BMRT is dead, no longer available for download and no longer being developed.
oh lol
then we have a real off-topic forum
oh lol
then we have a real off-topic forum ;)[/quote]
But I thought elYsiun’s topic was CG, with a focus on Blender? This seems right on topic to me… just like someone asking what people think of Maya, because someone is thinking about trying it out.
let’s forget about the original topic and fight over where this post should have been made.
i say we make a new forum for just fighting over these things!!!
we could even foghte over where it could go!!!
as cube says: i’m not likely to be serious
ROFL…i crack myself up… :<
Aqsis 0.7.6. is out…