BMW 5 series

Hello, friends. Here is another bmw (Guess which is my favorite car :rolleyes:! ). Nothing special, I just wanted to try to make more detailed model. It’s rendered with Yafray and the postprocess is done in Gimp.

Here are also some wireframes:

I will be very happy for your comments :slight_smile: .

extreemly good alround, very realistic, good light setup and great modeling

is the road blender?

i think a bit more reflection and DOF would make it even better IMO

a bit of noise removal aswell

I agree. Superb model. Very clean and well done mesh. No crits at all there.

As for the render, there is no reflection on the paint at all that I can see and there could be some use of a tad bit of DOF, but I don’t think it is really necessary. The camera position that you have chosen doesn’t show off the model very well either imo.


Great model dude!!I would like to see some fast and furious paint and a spoiler and any other little cool modifications you could add.Just a suggestion.:slight_smile:

I agree with bgdm, you should add reflection to the paint of the car.

This is off-topic but if you live close to munich like me, you are really bored by BMWs cause everybody drives one yaaawn

Great mesh dude…Only two crits: car paint needs more reflection and asphalt texture needs more work, it’s too repetitive. ok

Thank you for the comments :slight_smile: . I agree that there is no reflection - I’ve actually added some, but now I realize that it’s hardly seen. A had a lot of problems with the asphalt - long rendertime with AA, but without AA I couldn’t see if the texture is good (too noisy), so I made two or three tests and finaly I made two rendered pictures with different settings and combined the best parts in Gimp.
I hope I will have time to make better materials - maybe not for this model, but for the next one (along with “some fast and furious paint and a spoiler and any other little cool modifications”). :smiley:

white!!! white is the worst color for beemers I am crying!!! but amazing model, seriously

That is wicked man.

You carn’t enlarge the interior picture of the car.

Top notch modelling. But I love the wires so much better than the render :slight_smile:

Very usefull comments - thank you. :smiley: Sorry for the interior picture - here it is again:

Thats cool how long did it take to model the interior.

That is absolutly great

Nice modelling method,perfect mesh,great work.Maybe you can do some job about paint of the car,and results will much hight:).Well done;).

well what can i say, i hate BMW-s but its a hell of a good model :smiley:

EDIT: would love to see it in a little animation :grin:
