Boids and changing geometry

Hi all.
Can Boids change the particle gemetry based on a state or am I looking for something that isn’t there?
In simple modeling terms, I mean like a cube turning into a sphere when hit.


Surely someone has wanted to swap out geometry for something else given the condition of a particle?


I’m not able to test this currently, but… I think you can do this with grouped objects. Animate the group amount for each object with a driver from your condition.

What do you mean a “driver from your condition”?

I would like to know if this is possible as well. I know 2.49 allowed another particle system to spawn when the first one died. So if the newly spawned particle system was using your other object, it might be possible. Like fireworks, for example.

There is some info at Jahka’s blog.

Couldn’t find anything. Still after any answers to this. I know nodes would make this a lot easier to achieve but I am still curious to find out if it’s possible in 2.5


Reactor particles are still on the todo list. You’d be best to use blender 2.49 for your scenario.