Bone driving two shapes


I have a bone, I have two keyshapes driven by it.

What i’m after is for it to drive the first shape as I scale Y down, and drive the second shape as I scale Y up.

I thought I had it but now it’s gone to pot and for some reason one of the keyshapes keeps jumping to a value of 1.

I can get it to do it using Location…

For the driver of the shapekey you want to control by scaling down, what happens if you change the last value of the modifiers panel in the graph editor from 1 to -1 ?

Took me a minute to get the values for the curves just right, but have a look at the attached .blend.



drive2shapes.blend (334 KB)

Eureka, your a genius…

I’d tried my own curves, but not quite like that, thankyou!