Bone/hands aiming with the mouse -Up and Down only?

Need help with this for my character for BGMC 20…thanks!
Character is turning around 360 of degrees so I need aiming only for Up and Down.

You can use the “track to” constraint in the bone constraint tab. You put an object parented to your character hitbox, Use a mouselook script/logic brick (as you want) on it with a limited angle only on one axis (the one that allows you to have a Up and down movement). Then you parent an empty to this mouselook object, but a little far away from your character (it’s where he will aim). Then you make the bones of the arms of your character tracking to the empty. Hope I’m clear enough ! :slight_smile:

Why not play an action that does that?

@CarlJohnson an excellent answer , just what I wanted to know. Thanks guys for the answers.