Bone moving two legs instead of one

So, i’m trying to rig my pig for months, yet the problem always come when i’m done rigging the character. When i move the left leg bone, it doesn’t move the leg, but a weird part that appears outta nowhere, but when i move the right leg bone, it moves both. Can someone tell me what’s wrong and give me a .blend file with it fixed?

.blend file:

Hey, You have a ‘mirror’ modifier on your mesh, you will have to ‘Apply’ it before you parent the mesh to the armature. But before you do that I would put a ‘loop cut’ on the front and back legs, so it has better deforms. I would guess you assigned the armature with ‘auto weights’ thats kinda messing things up a bit, but fixable. I’m not going to tell you to re-weight paint all that stuff cause I really hate weight painting. Instead you can just do vertex assignment in ‘edit’ mode, thats what the ‘Assign’ & ‘Remove’ buttons are for. I won’t describe the whole process but basically you pick a bone (Vertex Groups panel) click ‘Select’ button and you can see which verts are assigned to that bone, What ever verts you don’t want to be affected you have to select just those verts and hit ‘Remove’. To add verts to a bone, select those verts and hit ‘Assign’.
If I were to fix this I would go thru and remove all the verts from all the bones, add a loop cut to each leg, then do the vertex assignment to the head and body, apply the mirror mod then do the legs, it’s alot I know, but luckily your mesh is very low in vert count.

You don’t have to apply the mirror modifier. You just have to name your bones in a way that blender knows how weights should be mirrored. Do this by naming bones, for example, legFront.R and legFront.L.

After that, yeah, you still have some problems. Your mesh isn’t manifold. Enter edit mode, vertex mode, and select non manifold (maybe from search menu, not hotkeyed in typical setup.) Fix the verts that get selected. Then reweigh.

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Thanks B, 90% of everything I do is mechanical - so I really don’t get enough practice. @LucasDeAnimator your mesh has over lapping verts due to not checking the ‘Clipping’ box in the mirror mod, also interior faces too.

Can you give me a fully finished .blend though? I can’t do crap for nothing in Blender and i don’t know how to do most of the stuff that you said i needed to do.
EDIT: Nevermind, i could get it to work myself, thanks.

Hey, Glad to see you got it, I was away yesterday.

Well I know what your saying, we have all (or most) have been there. I can only say learn and practice, learn and practice, that’s what I did/do…
If your new to blender then tutorials are fantastic resources, a few I recommend are…
DanPro’s youtube channel (search Danpro)

This deals with topology of a human but it transfers to really everything you model
This is for game stuff, but has some really good info and links (some are broken)
And of course check out