I have a question re: a problem with the root bone alignment in an animation.
I’m making this animation from scratch, and I have a list of points where I want to move the model, each point has loc. and rot.;
in the image, the model is posed in the first position, where I have already key-framed the loc and rot of the bones; beneath the model, you can see the cursor at the loc and rot of the second animation position.
Having sent forward one frame (10 frames, but no matter) in the timeline, I thought I could do Alt+A (Machin3align to cursor loc + rot) having selected, in the pose editor, only the root; in fact the model moves to the new position, I pose it, and I make a new keyframe.
However, when I return to the previous keyframe, the entire model has been moved, still posed, in the position of keyframe 2, in practice the rot and loc of the bone root have ALSO been overwritten in keyframe 1.
In practice I can’t do the automatic alignment, but I have to move the root bone manually, from frame to frame.
Are there alternatives?