bone-rotaion keyframes not working!?

hello… i’m trying to get blender to insert a rotation keyframe by pressing “i” (insert), then selecting “Rot.” (rotaion), but it just WON’T do it! i even tried the automatic keyframing (by pressing the record button on the timeline) and it STILL won’t work! does anyone have a clue about what’s going on?:confused:

Do you have any constraints on the bone?

This can also happen if you have a particle emitter as a child of the bone. The work-around is to pose the bones before parenting the emitter mesh.

Did you check if your armature is not locked in Rest Position?

Or use the “automatic keyframe insertion” / timeline / user prefs. That bug only affects interactive “I” / menu keyframing

bboyclike :

Posting your blend file is probably the quickest way to get a solution.


now…i don’t know why, but for some odd reason…IT’S WORKING NOW!!!:spin: wierd…:confused: anyway, thanks for the tips guys!

Which blender release did you use when you noticed the problem?