Hello Again. A few questions and feedback re the script:
Firstly, i should say that my tests have been very basic as i’m new to weighting in Blender. I’ve just been copying vertex groups between simple primitives.
Would anyone be able to explain to me what the Interpolation slider does? (I only understand interpolation within the context of animation and function curves). I notice that the script tends to throw an error when i have the interpolation on 0, which is why i ask (presumably you are supposed to be able to have it on 0 or the option wouldn’t be there, but maybe i am doing something else wrong…?). I’ve kept a screen-shot of the error message, so if you’d like me to email you it Jester, let me know.
Also, initially i thought the script was sometimes losing certain vertex groups during the copy, but on further inspection, it appears to be merging two into one sometimes.
(I did also notice it copies the vertex groups over in a different order - not exactly high on my gripe-list, but maybe worth a mention as i guess this could become cumbersome if you have lots, and you want to maintain their order without fiddling)
Re the progress bar - it would be nice, although would a message saying ‘…working…’ then ‘complete’ be easier in the meantime…?
The other thing i was thinking would be really awesome, is the ability to copy vertex groups between meshes in different files by just saving/loading. It’s super-useful, and one of the only things i miss about 3DS Max :0D And it would give this script the edge over the Copy Attributes add-on which atm seems to do the same thing with vertex groups.
Finally another question, as i’m new to weighting in Blender: am i right in thinking that vertex groups will be influenced by bones with identical names? (ie: vertex group ‘top_right’ will automatically be influenced by bone ‘top right’.)
Anyway, thanks again for this script Jester, i’ll be checking back for further developments! :0) It would be cool to hear some feedback from other people, since i’m quite new to Blender so maybe not the best qualified to spot if something’s going wrong or not… but i’ve done my best.
(PS: i’m on OSX, in case this is pertinent to any of the errors i’ve had…)