Bones and NURB circle constraint

Ahoy Hearties!

Ive been looking at some tutorials and found a tutorial about rigging a head in Maya.
I can do everything that the tutorial says except making a Rotation contraint on my bone. When I make the contraint the bone automaticly rotates. It does what it’s supposed to do but not the way i want it.

Is there a way to keep the offset so it doesn’t rotate?

Another question. Are there any tutorials on how to make a controller for shapes like the one in the demo files?


Had you asked 2 weeks ago, I’m not sure I’d be giving you a solution… but take a look at:
Clamp To Constraint and Child-Of Constraint

One of these might/should work, alas, with just a few minor tweaks to the rig you are applying them to.


Wow :smiley: Works just the way i wanted :smiley: Thanks alot! U should try contacting Ton and show ur work xD

Now I just the question bout the controller to be answered and I’ll be good to go :smiley:

Thanks. I’m glad it worked for you.

Controller Tutorial (by Calvin):
