Happy new year ! Any idea what would cause my imported animated model to have spherical bone:)!? I am using macbook pro M4 with the latest blender 4.3.2 (4.3.2 2024-12-17)
Are you sure the bones aren’t being displayed as custom shapes? (Although, scaled by a very large factor, it appears).
HI ! not sure what you mean by that.
When i import the glb this is what I get , the ball starts wiggling and only when I hide it , i can see my animated model. IF i delete it the model looses it’s animation and flips to horizontal model.
What @thorn means is bones can have custom shapes applied to them. These custom shapes are mesh objects. With the armature selected, in the armature properties panel, you can turn the custom shapes off by un-checking the ‘Shapes’ checkbox under ‘Viewport Display’ -
TBH, imported files from other formats/software rarely work 100% in blender. Usually they require a bit of work to get them to work in blender. I can explain this a bit further if you are interested.
You could post up the .blend file so others can take a look…
THanks yes i guess this is the problem but i tried to unheck the shapes and exported ,but the spheres are still showing.I guess it’s because the icosphere in outliner is there for some reason but when i delete it , animating is gone and exporting will get me back to T pose. I even tried choosing display as sticks instead of octahedral.