Bones being auto deleted if they have zero length!!! NEED HALP!

The title says it all. When I go into edit mode on my armature, if a bone has the same x,y,z for the head and tail, that is it has no length, it is automatically deleted when I leave edit mode, this is beyond frustrating as I need this for something I’m working on in Unity.

Please help :frowning: .:frowning:

Blender, as far as I know, does not allow zero-length bones. Is it imperative that you have them? Can you not make them non zero-length?

I’ll run things over with our programmer, but I’m quite sure that they do need to be zero length… why does blender not allow zero-length bones?

No idea. Surely the developers know…

How would I contact them? And surely, there must be a way to disable this, perhaps through a python script? (I’m not very familiar with Blenders back end, though I’ve used it for many, many years now).

You could try to post a bug report at but, given that this is probably not considered a bug, you may not receive more answers than “not a bug, closed”.
Sorry, I’m out of ideas.

Alright thanks for the attempted help anyways man, haha.

the best place to ask about this would probably be the #blendercoders irc channel on freenode, you should be able to get in contact with the developers that way.