bones glitching out between keyframes & how to snap bone to another in animation?

I am quite new to animation in blender and wish to create a small combat game however when creating animations sometimes the hands, swords and some other bones rotate very fast between keyframes and to fix i need to go to the middle of the two keyframses and insert at least 1 keyframe of a normal pose to fix it but it is very time consuming when this always happens. It would be amazing if someone knows a fix for this. Also i have been trying to find out how ot snap a bone to another while animating so that inbetween frames both bones would have the same rotation and movement. ( this would be very useful for animating attacks and swords while they are on the back of character). I know i can do this in Unreal Engine but i want to have more control over the swords when animating so they can be thrown and all that.
thanks in advance :smiley:
gifs of the glitchy bones and sword not following hand correctly:

it’s difficult to say what is causing the gliches… would almost have to have to get you to post a file for us to look at…

if you can’t post to BA yet… got to …

and post your file there… then come back here and give us the website address of your post…
note that there is a special ‘blender’ file icon that allows you to post blender files specifically there…

on the issue of pose snapping…
I will have to search out where I ran across some information on this…
right now it’s late and I had better hit the hay…

By snapping, do you mean “align” one bone to other for current frame?
I also wonder, if there is some easy way of aligning bones to each other (Rotation or Location or both). What I currently do is creating Copy Rotation or Copy Location Constraint and bake for just 1 frame. But it is tedious. It would be nice to have 1 button like “Align Rotation”. Perhaps there is some anywhere?.. :rolleyes:
Or if you need one bone follow other for some time - then use Copy Rotation and Copy Location Constraint, or ChildOf Constraints.