I’m making a model export script wich exports mesh and bones.
In Blender 2.37a I didn’t have any problem, because I exported the mesh, and the bones position and quaternion for each selectd frames.
But in the new Blender(2.41) python API, there is no “quat” variable or “getQuat()” in the class Bone.
How can I save now the these bone quats? Why was deleted that variable and method? It was very useful
There is any way to get the bone’s rotation quaternions for each frame again? Or I should back to Blender 2.37a?
I recommend using the new Pose module. A posebone has a poseMatrix that you can do a toQuat() on. Here is a snippet of how I used it:
Oh! The Pose module. I didn’t know that module. Now I can export the bone animations. Thanks alot