
Hello everyone, currently I am attempting to make a scene (not animated yet, just a simple photorealistic scene in Cycles or Yafaray) the scene is going to consist of a book on a table with a window, and a pair of glasses, the eyeglasses are going to basically sit on top of the book, and the lenses will focus on the text in a book, now, I would like to have the arms set on bones so then I can move them more easily without having to adjust the position of the arms against the frames every time.

I can upload some images and the .blend file if need be, but any help I can get would be really appreciated! Thank you

I would like to have the arms set on bones

You mean Temple right?

For some thing this simple you don’t really need bone rig. Just locate Temple origin by Hinge line and make it a child of lens frame. Then you can rotate Temple from the hinge / origin.

Yes, you are correct. Haha, the name escaped me at the time, this may seem like a fairly stupid question, but how exactly do you do all of that?

Here is the basic on Parenting:

Thank you Ridix! :slight_smile:

To do the rest of it, just set the “center point” of the ear-pieces to be precisely in line with the hinge-pins, with the local Z-axis pointing straight up. Now, a local-Z rotation around the “center” of the object will cause rotation at the hinge point.

Although the “center point” of a 3D object is commonly (well, sometimes …) at the center of its bounding-box, it can in fact be anywhere that’s convenient for you.