
I’m baaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkk


:wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :stuck_out_tongue:

Just talked about you.

Let’s see. Now it’s 8.00 posts per day.

Still third degree ? I wonder. What did you do all the time. No practice ?

I’m a legend of some infamy apparently…

My posts won’t be so numerous now. I don’t have time. But I will be checking in. I’m so excited about 2.28a. I haven’t much chance to work with it yet. Anyhow…

:o Who are you? :o

During his first week on the forums he posted something like every 5 minutes 24 hours a day.

He’s the man that posted over 650 posts, in less than 72 hours!!!

He’s a legend… :o

He’s my hero!!! :expressionless: :stuck_out_tongue:


p.s.: Desoto, I’m truly glad you’re back…

8 posts a day? 650 posts in 72 hours? This guy should meet up with Cube or something. Or get a dog. Or get SOMETHING to GET - A - LIFE.
Jesus, that’s like on the computer ALL DAY.
What a loser…

Welcome back :slight_smile:


Welcome back

BTW: When you showed up with hundreds of posts, I thought you’d fiddled the post count somehow, coz I didn’t ever actually see any of your posts! :wink:

He’s the man that posted over 650 posts, in less than 72 hours!!!





come on, he’s not that impressive.
I mean it took him 6 WHOLE DAYS just to become a monkey!

Des: welcome back! How was your time with your g/f?

#32 on the top posters list! watch out theeth, he’ll be taking your top place soon enough :wink:

YAY my desoto machinegun is back

go get em desoto


Alltaken, you are truly evil :x ( :wink: )




if his post count per day is 10 post more than mine, it would take him 336 days to catch up with me.

I think I can take a break :wink:


I won’t be setting any more records…never intended to originally. My time with my girlfriend was fantastic. I visited NY and DC twice each, went to Boston. Did a lot of great things. Including experiencing “Total Cave Darkness”…which was…lemme say…interesting. But unfortunately now that she’s gone its just like there’s an enormous hole to fill. But…I’ve done this so many times now…I just learn to deal with it. Thanks for asking!

if his post count per day is 10 post more than mine, it would take him 336 days to catch up with me.

I think I can take a break :wink:


but remember that by the end of it his post rate was around 20x that

so around a month and he’s #1

*phlip dons chearleading outfit
Go deso! Go deso!