i just released the alpha version of my new addon for generating books in Blender. The basic functionality is there, but there are things that wanna be tweaked.
A quick demo:
You can find the download link and more information on my website: here
You should get together with Antoniya. The author of Archimesh the archvis tool for blender this would be a perfect addition for intergration into that.
Two weeks ago I had to make a shelf of accounting ledgers for a projected backdrop for a stage show.
This would have saved me a ton of work!
Now I need to decide if it’s worth the time to go back and do them again with this, as this looks better!
Have you thought about using Images for the Books? (Like back/front/Thin Part. Thin Part= No idea how to spell it in any language i know, maybe “Buchrücken”
Something like: User specifies Folder that contains Images per Book Like:
I’ve noticed that the UV Map is not consistent across all books. How hard would it be to make all the book use the same UV layout so I can make a bunch of book covers separately and apply them to multiple books?
Thanks for your feedback. That would be interesting. I definitely want to make texturing a lot easier. I’m also thinking about some kind of “auto-texturing”. Well, i will see how far i can push it.
I’ve noticed that the UV Map is not consistent across all books. How hard would it be to make all the book use the same UV layout so I can make a bunch of book covers separately and apply them to multiple books?
The problem is that books have different proportions and making them all the same uv-layout would cause texture-stretching.
I also noticed a problem with the uv-map of the textblock. That will be fixed in the next version coming out some time in the next week.
Cool, I hope you find time to make it production ready to prevent another half finished Blender-Script.
Else we have to find another solution making it production ready.
I’ve just tried your BookGen addon with the current Blender 2.73 RC1, on a Windows 7 Pro 64bit environment, and when I create a new book from the Add\Mesh\Add Book the book is created but without UV mapping and the following error message is being displayed in the console:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.73\scripts\addons_extern\bookGen_init_.py”, line 104, in invoke
File “C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.73\scripts\addons_extern\bookGen_init_.py”, line 170, in run
unwrap = self.unwrap)
File “C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.73\scripts\addons_extern\bookGen\utils.py”, line 427, in create_book
bm.edges[i].seam= True
IndexError: BMElemSeq[index]: outdated internal index table, run ensure_lookup_table() first