My question: Do you use bookmarklets on a regular basis?
For those who don’t know, bookmarklets are chunks of JavaScript code used as a bookmark for your browser. They are extremely useful tools that do various things. More…
I personally find bookmarklets to be very efficient and helpful. Just wanted to spread the word about them and to find out how many people here use or have used them before.
Please let me know what you mean by this. Why are you confused? I mean, I posted a link which describes in detail exactly what I’m talking about. It couldn’t be made any more clear. Plus, posting “What!@$!@@$&!@!!!” in response to text is illogical. If you don’t understand what you’ve just read, you can re-read it as many times as you want…it will always be there…
Please don’t regard this thread as being pointless. I tried to post something of use, and the only responses I’ve gotten were “What!@#^%!()#(%@%!&@#%!@#*%&!#@%!!####???$???$???” and other unconstructive replies. Forgive me if I’m overreacting, but this really angers me.
With all seriousness, please don’t do this. Thank you.
I found it useful at least! Amongst other things, I now have a nice little button called “deleet” at the top of my browser which translates the annoying |337 stuff into readable text…
well, I say I found it useful: nothing I have yet translated has been worth reading in the end…
Of course they’re not revolutionary, but it doesn’t mean that they’re useless. Hopefully nobody got the idea that I was passing this off as being a super-powerful-brand-new technology, because they’re obviously not. I find them very time-saving, and I posted information about them here in hopes that other people could think of them the same way. I know that the site is very lame, but that’s not the focus of this entire thread. There are hundreds of other websites about bookmarklets out there. Choose whichever one you want.