Books--a modest proposal

if you look about you you will see all sorts of books, lots about graphics and programs that are no longer used. I find myself a number of Blender Books totally out dated. Now that Blender is the ultimate kick butt program we are falling into the past. Our educational resources like books have to change as Blender evolves. I suggest that Blender books evolve into something else–that is a book that you yourself can modify as Blender modifies–I am suggesting that what ever book you publish on Blender is in a format where user can change pages–what I propose is that the books have a subscription service that periodically sends the user new and changed pages–this way the user is always up to date—example–lets take the array function–tons of tutorials on it but also nice to read them–lets say you find a totally new way to present its functionality–you then send an up date to the users the changes–of course it is also available in PDF formate–
my Blender for Dummies, Maya, Lightwave,Bryce,Amorphium ( I loved this program)
Smalltalk,Dbase, Lotus Notes, etc --you name it are in the recycle bin after i post
take care

I believe that’s called a ‘wiki’.

And we all know how well that’s been updated over the years.

I believe Andrew Price worked into the cost of “The Wow Factor” that it would be kept up to date as Blender evolves.