Books that are good for learning gimpshop?

I found my way to gimpshop the other day and on the website it stated how it is similar to adobe photoshop and I was wondering if based on that if anyone here could suggest a good starter book for adobe that could aid in learning how to use gimpshop or gimp in general. Ideally I’d like to find something that won’t cost an arm and a leg and will be useful in learning how to use Gimpshop for blender tasks. And avoid having to try to print out one or more long documents. The problem is there do seem to be a lot of books about adobe out there and I don’t want to order one and then find out that it doesn’t work for my needs. Thanks.

hi crich70 :slight_smile:
if you want to use GIMP that like Photoshop, then you can consider to use GimPhoto.
afaik, gimpshop is based on older GIMP version 2.2 and GimPhoto using newer version 2.4.3 and packed with great plugins to fill gap between GIMP and Photoshop.

GimPhoto menu structure is closely resemble of Photoshop 7 menu structure (menu naming still follow GIMP menu, only menu location that changed) so you can follow Photoshop tutorial or GIMP tutorial with GimPhoto.

for more details and screencast then go to

2 zenith:
Hi :slight_smile: Would you please update Gimphoto? 2.4.6 GIMP is out already with alot of bug fixes.