Boolean modifier having trouble

So the thing is I was creating a small classroom in blender but encountered something when i was trying to create a window in thr room. i decided to go with using boolean modifier to create the window but apparently its not working i will attach the photos here.

so this the classroom im talking about, the white cube in the left is the one i wanted to cut out from the wall (i used the boolean modifier on the wall) so after this i decided to hide the cube and boom nothing happended, the cube’s still there.

i thought i did something wrong and decided to try again but this time cube just took the texture of the floor after i tried to hide it.

i dont know how this happens. can anyone please tell me why this happening and how to fix this.

I guess your walls have no thickness.
That’s what’s confusing the modifier (at least the result you’re expecting).
Use a Solidify before the Boolean and it should work better.


That worked! Thanks a lot dude, ur a life saver!!