I want to use freestyle to draw a border around my objects. I’ve got a model of a human skull, but a lot of the vertices between the different bones are crossing eachother. This interrupts the pretty border that is drawn by freestyle.
I need to separate the objects, so I’m using the boolean modifier. However, the boolean modifier allows the objects to remain touching, but I need them to be slightly offset so that freestyle can draw the pretty lines.
Does anyone have a technique or addon that will do boolean subtraction with an option for offsetting?
I came up with a method that works. Say I have obj_1 and obj_2. I duplicate obj_1 and add a solidify modifier to the duplicate. I set the thickness to something small, then set the offset to 1. I check the boxes “Fill Rim”, “Only Rim”, and “High Quality Normals” then I apply the solidify modifier. Obj_1’s duplicate should now have grown. Now I can use the boolean modifier on obj_2 targeting the duplicate of obj_1. After applying the boolean modifier, I can delete the duplicate of obj_1. Now obj_2 has been booleaned with offset. Cheers!