AO, DOF, glow and bloom and most materials should have Spec to 0. Yafray could do a better job (GI). Now the creative process of thinking of these scenes would pose the real challenge
Thanks for the informative reply. I do agree with you - creatively executing stuff like this is the challenge. I have cartoon-style characters that would benefit from the soft look. They currently exit in 2d only and it’s been difficult translating it into a third dimension. Just need to keep plugging away.
I checked out a thread covering the shark/fish by venomgfx but it appears his site is down.
Its not that I don’t like the look, I do. It’s just that he doesnt seem to do anything but that one particular style with the same excessive DoF.
I like DoF just like anyone else, but DoF abuse is getting to be extremely common.
Then again, I suppose that it’s all just a matter of opinion.
I will say that most of the work that I respect and inspires me does not make use of this ‘cheap trick.’ In my opinion its something that was once very artistic and has been since driven into the ground by noobs.
Thats fantastic. I can’t emagin how he pushes out so much work. 1 pic most days… I really like the style, it almost seems like stills from clayanimation clips. However I found his demo reel to not nearly be at the level of his 1 day stills, go figure.
But if the DoF makes it look better and/or more interesting… why not use it? It totally fits his style.
Once you have a nice style (like Boring3D), it can be hard to let go and try something new.
But in case of Boring3D, I think it’s his subtle humor and storytelling that really makes his work.
Yes, interesting style, although it does get a bit, uhh… similar after a while (didn’t want to say boring). One image a day is nice! However, he probably has most of the materials, lighting setup and render setup ready from previous pictures, all he has to do is the modelling, which looks to me like a one hour job on most pics.
What does stand out for me is the number of interesting ideas and concepts he has.