bounding sphere and radiosity prob

i made a nice room with radiosity with a sphere in the scene. after radiosity method, i "ran around the level in realtime(17fps, not too bad). looked sweet. However when i separated the sphere from the mesh, i made it dynamic actor so i could push it around the room. however the sphere bounding was in the middle of the room, well away from my sphere object. In other words i would head towards the sphere and when i reached the middle of the room the ball would bounce. Does anyone know what happened here and how to fix? Thanks

Sounds like the pivot point isn’t in the center of the sphere. Just select the sphere and hit ‘center new’ - that should be enough to fix it.

The dynamic actor sphere bounding is centred around the centre of transformation (pink dot, pivot point etc) When you look at your sphere in wire mesh mode is the pink dot in the centre (or thereabouts) of the sphere? (its obviously not) If not all I would do is select your sphere, enter edit mode, select all verts (‘A’ key) and move them to where your pink dot is. The bound sphere will now be in your sphere. Finally you’ll obviously have to move your sphere object back to where you want it in your room. (you should do this final step in selection mode (when the sphere is pink), NOT edit mode)

u_do_u_r: thats not necessary (although it’ll certainaly work :stuck_out_tongue: ) - as kEinStein wrote, just hit the “centre new” button to recalculate the pivot point. Its in the edit buttons, on the right :slight_smile:


Thanks - thats quite a handy trick (saves some time).