HI all, i am trying to create a game in 2.5, but i cant find a movement script, and am unable to port the one i used in 2.49b! Does anyone have (or know how to port) a movement script? Thanks!! agoose77
Hi. Without your script it is not possible. But here is a link where you can look how to change your script. http://mogurijin.wordpress.com/2010/08/17/how-to-update-blender-2-49-bge-scripts-to-2-5x/
Hi. I have downloadet the script form tutorialsforblender3d.com and changed it to Blender 2.5x.
I have commented the line for checking for user added properties, so it is possible that soneting not working right. But I think it is not necessary.
Move_Script_2.5x.blend (542 KB)
WOW! thanks! just tested, it works! now i am going to add to project, and see how you ported it!