from the doc,
use_armature_deform_only should make the FBX export operator, export only deforming bones
but it does not (unreal import)
I use batex exporter, and the option is enabled
and my controller bones deform flags are off
- so am I missing something here ? is it a bug ?
- should I be worried about unreal perfs while it imports “unused” bones
As stated in this post, you need to disable all of your armature’s bones, deform flags. Not just your main armature’s deform flag, which by design, only toggles the first bone’s deform flag.
Here’s a script to set all deform flags at once for a stated armature.
import bpy
OBJ = "Armature"
for b in bpy.data.armatures[OBJ].bones:
b.use_deform = False
Note: I’ve tested this deform all solution and it works.
they are already set as non-deforming (cfr screenshot)
the issue was somewhere else, I wrote my own script anyway