BPyMesh documentation

I see in posts calls to BPyMesh, for example BPyMesh.facesPlanerIslands() or BPyMesh.edgeFaceUserCount(), but I can’t find where these calls are documented or what other calls exist. Can someone point me to where they are documented?

Sorry if this has been answered before but I searched the forums and couldn’t find the answer.


I don’t think it is publicly documented (as in there are full docs, at least I’ve never seen them). If you’d like to use these functions, which are just canned routines, mostly all still Python code, then grab yourself the code from SVN (or browse it at projects.blender.org) and then go to release/scripts/bpymodules directory to take a look at the source. Most of the functions have small docstrings at the top to help you out as well.

Alternatively, possibly preferably, you can just look in your scripts directory (the one that comes with blender) and look for the bpymodules folder and they should be there.

I never thought of just looking at the source. I guess I’m too use to working with compiled code!!!

Thanks for the info.

Short anser - no :confused:
There are docstrings for some of the functions, so its possible to extend these to extend these to epydocs (like the ones that are accessible from the help menu).