Brain computer interface unveiled at CeBit

and an older link dealing with Brain computer interfaces

Also, check out the youtube videos showing things such as mind controlled pong at CeBit. But be warned in the related videos some idiot called his video with 2 swearwords right next to each other.
This is real stuff, and a good first step to say, using the mind to model in Blender? :wink:

How interesting! I guess the fusion of man and machine is no longer “crazy talk”. Do you still wanna do that project about a console that can be controlled directly by thoughts Icoxo?

A great form of passive or active interactivity, Clay Movies allows a viewer to choose and watch a movie that changes its story line or character development, etc. depending upon the activity of the viewer.

Does that mean that i can finnaly make Bruce Wiilis actually “die hard”??? :smiley:

Attaching the IBVA to a plant will give you its readings as the plant reacts to certain events. As you approach the plant you will notice a more “agitated” reading. As you move farther away the plant will “calm down”. No we’re not kidding about this.
Our sample movies give the plant a vocal “personality”. The more agitated the plant becomes as you approach it, through the sound port of your computer, it will angrily tell you to “Back off!”. Or, to give the plant a friendlier personality, when you are away, the plant encourages you to come closer.

Giving your plant a personality? HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAa
Maybe some day my cactus wil ask for it’s private space, or the right to vote!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The information is absolutely true. Plus for those people who think implants are needed, this is done WITHOUT implants.

About the plant thing, note this is only on a computer screen.

Yes I want to still do the consol, but that was for another topic.

I’m just thinking what would excite the Blender community would be this would pave the way to modeling with the mind. Think about that, Blender uses this technology to control the program and make new polys and model using the mind. :slight_smile:

If you’ve been at CeBit in Germany you may have seen this.

I’d still really like to hear what others have to say about this technology.

Yeah well, this would definately improve interaction between man and computers, thus a faster and better moddeling!
Hey, maybe you could import a model that you have imagined directly into Blender, say you’re looking at an object, you take a side, top, and front view you think “Import” and whoila - it’s in the 3D scene.

Or just do it directly in Blender, no need to import.

interesting :slight_smile: :slight_smile: …Awsome!!!:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: