Brain fart - What is the term for when this happens?

When a texture shows differently on a face than the adjacent one?

I know there’s a term for it… too much beer.

Looks like your mesh isn’t smooth shaded. If you select the vertices and do Set Smooth, it will make a it a smooth gradient instead.

I know there’s a term for it



Ah, no, what’s the term when it does that? Like, to skew along a single axis is called a shear, there’s a term for when triangle faces do this. Just like when when someone renders a plane and it’s black and you tell him ‘normal is pointing the other way’ or ‘got your normals reversed’ - eg. the terminology to explain what and why it’s doing what it’s doing.

Actually it is smoothed, but just making a quad or subsurfing it or good ole fashioned tessellating will take care of it. I was just interested in the term the effect is called. I can’t even cause it when I want to, but sometimes it does show up, dependant upon camera angle and lighting and texture mapping…

… Shearing?

I don’t know the term for that, but I only know, that this accidently happens, when the two diagonal opposite vertices of a quad are not at the same “height” as the other two. so the quad automatically seems bended and tiles itself into two triangles.

How about we just call it a “Brain-Fart” then lol. :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:
You made my week.

The shadow diagonal seems to be a bit abnormal , too drastic

is it what your talking about ?

Warning :Blender and beer don’t mix together


I think you mean when your vertices are non-coplanar the renderer breaks a quad down the middle. Scroll one page down on this site:

hmmm, I think “non-coplanar vertices” could be the term we’re searching for. anyway, it is the term for that, I have described above…

But the idea calling it brain-fart isn’t bad indeed!!! :wink:


Where did the term Brain-fart come from anyway? I just saw it in the topic title and laughed. So ridiculous.

Artifact? :slight_smile:

“The selected vertices form a concave quad”

Is this what you’re searching for?

If your normals are inconsistent, you have holes in the model or you join more than 2 faces to an edge then you have non-manifold geometry. Blender actually has a function to select non-manifold elements - maybe that was the term you meant, but non-coplanar verts aren’t non-manifold.