Branch Extrusion like in MAX

hi, i need help for this: i want to make script and after an add-ons that emulate the branch extrusion of 3D studio MAX. I need to find the index of an active face of the active mesh, there is a function for this?? and how i can convert the mouse position in the 3D view port in x,y coordinates?? and how i can make the function work by holding the leftmouse, i used "if event.type = ‘LEFTMOUSE’ and event.value ‘PRESS’ but don’t work.

ok, the work is in progress: i need just some function and the code is ready!

i look at you’r script and it’s pretty cool but it’s not the same as i want to do :smiley: doesn’t work for you?

and how i can convert the mouse position in the 3D view port in x,y coordinates??

Just get the mouse x,y coords or you want to convert them to some unnamed other thing?

hi, if you could do this for bmesh it would be cool.

I think with bmesh this is no longer the case – haven’t messed around with it so can’t say for sure but campbell was promising that.


i look at the code and this is more similar to i want to do, but not the same!

hi guys the main code is finished, adding the gui and some bug fixing and is ready!!

ok today i post the first verion of my code, and if you like it. i’ll upload it in the blender script repository!