brand new with problems

I’m brand new to blender, made my second model now.
The problem with my second one, is, when trying to print it and open it with cura (layers view), there seens to be all kinds of stuff missing.
See Screenies:

In layers:

i did find something about “remove doubles”, and the result is:

A little better.
Then i found to get “Non manifolds”. and fill it with F.
But that fills up the wrong places of the model.
How do i get a complete model ? when viewing it normal in Cura, the model looks good, but in layers, many thing are missing.

Don’t just select a bunch of vertices and then hit “F.” What that does is creates an n-gon of all the vertices you selected, it does not automatically fill all the vertices with a nice quad/tri surface. When you work with 3D printing, you generally need a surface to be all quads or tris depending on the software you’re using. The only ways to possibly make the vertices fill with quads are (and there is no garuntee it will work, it depends on how you modeled your mesh):

  1. Model them yourself by extruding and joining individual vertices, faces and edges.
  2. Select the vertices and hit “Ctrl+F” and then select “Grid Fill.” On the menu to the left, play with the “Span” and “Offset” until you find something that works for you, though there is no garuntee anything will.
  3. Select the edges you want to fill and hit “Ctrl+E” and select “Bridge Edge Loops.”

A more sophisticated method of merging meshes involves using the “Boolean” modifier and setting the “Operation” to “Union.” I would suggest making copies of your objects before proceeding with this.
Again, there is no garuntee this will get the results you desire, and usually the Boolean modifier is jagged for meshes that don’t have tons and tons of smooth vertices. Apply the Boolean modifier to the mesh you want to be modified in the process. After setting the operation to union, select the object you want to carry out the union. Then, hit apply and when you go back into edit mode, you will see that the meshes are now combined into one surface. The original object that was selected for the Union target will still be there, so delete it if you are done with it.

You also generally need to make everything one surface when 3D printing, you shouldn’t have separate objects or surfaces that protrude through each other or are disconnected in any way, which seems possible from your image.
One quick last-ditch effort that may or may not work to get a basic object as one surface, besides remodeling it from scratch, would be to select all the different objects you’ve modeled and hit “Ctrl+J” (or select two objects at a time and hit Ctrl+J if they do not all join at the same time). This will treat all the different components as one object. Then, select this new merged object and in the modifiers tab, select “Remesh” under the “Generate” menu.

  1. Set the mode to “Smooth.”
  2. Check “Remove Disconnected Pieces” (if it is not checked already)
  3. Set the “Octree” to 7+
  4. Set the “Scale” to 0.990.
  5. Hit “apply” when you’re done, though do this in a new copy of the file in case you want to go back and change something.
    If you go back into edit mode, there is a chance this new object will now all be one surface.

Another possible problem is that you did not properly export the object, though multiple objects may not be a problem for Cura (this isn’t “ Forums” there’s no Cura experts here so I don’t know).
When you export an obj or stl file from Blender, make sure you select every single mesh or object you want to be exported first. If you have trouble doing this manually, you can accomplish this by simply hitting the “A” key in object mode (or hitting it twice to first deselect everything). This will select every single object in your visible layers (though not objects that are hidden), so make sure you deselect any cameras or lamps if you have any. After every mesh you want is selected, then you can export it and all the pieces will be there.

Thank you for your answer.
I basicly made it like this:
add add mesh>cylinder(nothing) then solidify modifier and for example 1.5 mm. then add a cone, just like the cylinder.
After that I joined both and made the next part, joined and so on.
For creating holes I used the Boolean modifier.
So, all objects are joined.
I will try all you did mention.

If you use the solidify modifier, you have to tell the 3D printer that you’re using those internal polygons to define the thickness of the object, otherwise it will use its own thickness settings or will try to double-fill it.
If you have the time, it would also help if you uploaded the blend file.

I appriciate it, that you want to help me. i will upload the file this afternoon when i am back from work.
For you it’s probably easy to see what i did wrong, for me however… not so easy… If you can find out and tell me what to do in future designs, that would be a great help.
I did nothing to tell the printer about thickness, other than designing it in blender and set thickness for the Object… So you might have a good point there.
Thank you for Your time so far. Will upload it later today.

ok her it is ( i hope)


coneandcover.blend (2.1 MB)

hmmm I did find some weird stuff here after the cleanup I did before. will try to fix that now…

hmmm I might have to redo the whole thing… what you think ?

I honestly don’t even know what’s going on with some of these meshes, there’s all kinds of random n-gons and stray vertices and overlapping edges and the modifiers can’t fix it, you should remake it to avoid those problems using the techniques I mentioned before if you’re having trouble. Just remember that you want everything to be one surface before you apply the solidify modifier and you want everything to be quads. If you export something as an stl file, it will automatically turn it into tris, so it’s better to start with quads.

yea, i was afraid of that. it happened after i used “remove doubles” i think…
I redid a part of it… and got some progress.

will try to cleanup more and post the result.

i’ll try, but it’s all very new to me. so i’ll keep your advice in mind. some work to do here hehehe

You have floating geometry and your model has holes. Using the bottle like thing for example:

yea, i’m just fixing that… it somewhere happened down the road… no clue what I have done…
But i’ll try to fix it. nice way to learn blender as well :slight_smile: thnx for your input.