Brawler The Fallen - Beat 'em up

The Fallen will be a beat 'em up much in the genre of Dragon Ball Z Budokai. There is a total remake relatively on characters. New models and better gameplay! Each character has more than 10 moves including flying, melee combos and energy projections.

14 characters in total. Some new, others from Chapter One and Two. There are two playmodes. One will follow a storyline and the other will be a multiplayer splitscreen.

The player will also be able to load mods (blend file) created from templates given in the game.

here is a trailer of the WIP:


Sounds good mate :smiley:

Yes… and because of the blend file available finally there is oportunity for mac users to play it as well :stuck_out_tongue: …at least the template file

Latest screenshots from my new project.

looks great, I had that video on my comp and I kept looking at it drooling, but I forgot where I got it from lol.

What kind of release will we get? Id love to play a demo.

Demo and full version will be available for PC Windows. But with the full version there will be a template in blend format that users can modify and then use as a mod in the game or as they wish.

this looks really good so far; where did you get the textures you used? or did you make them yourself?

Some textures were made in Blender itself. Like particles and powers. Fog and fire texture were made in gimp. Others I got from an internet search. Textures for the plants were made using a script (render) for Blender. Textures for the characters were made using a specific human\cloth design program.

Looks really cool, I’m impressed. I espically like the explosions, one thing that kinda bugged me was when he started flying he had this default animation of his arms stretched out as if he were flying (which is good) BUT the animation wasn’t moving at all, which seemed weird, you should have his arms and legs wavering or something.

facemania: “arms stretched out as if he were flying (which is good) BUT the animation wasn’t moving at all, which seemed weird, you should have his arms and legs wavering or something.”

that’s a good point! :rolleyes:

new screens:

Here is a movie of the menu and some gameplay scene

Woah, is all that in realtime?

Nice job, looks very nice, although the textures could look a little cleaner :)One thing that bugged me was that the big guy at the end had huge strides but moved fairly slow (when you weren’t hitting him back).

Keep up the great looking work, it’s fantastic.

looks nice i wish i could think of terrains and stuff

is there a link on how to get ideas or something?

that looks nice, but we really need more stuff to look at - there was only around 3 seconds of real fighting, for all we know it could just be polished IPOs. Not to criticize, it looks like a very playbable game, I just want more eyecandy :slight_smile:

facemania: yes its all realtime. the big guy gets slower at a distance of 20 so that he wont go over the player, I will remember to fix that.

scabootssca: dont know of any. but you could randomize your terrain like I do by closing your eyes and picking up vertexes :stuck_out_tongue:

anoncompboy: lol… well I am working to make a playable demo, the combat scenes aren´t polished yet thats why :stuck_out_tongue:

I am planing to participate in the IGF festival. Hope that I can stand against the other participants.

Just a question for you blenders…If the game had an options for MOD files, do you think people would do MOD files themselfs?

Latest splitscreen pix. NOTE that the at the back there is a pyramid where you can enter… although it doesnt look as one :stuck_out_tongue:

sweet environment…but that guy’s head looks really small! :slight_smile:

I think This looks VERy promising!
to bad blender has no AA, it would realy look SO much better…
or am I missing something?


“sweet environment…but that guy’s head looks really small!”
its just the face cause he has black hair so it looks like a tiny head :slight_smile:

“to bad blender has no AA it realy fucks it up…”
hmmm… what is AA??