Breakable Rigid Body Joints with Python?

Hi all,
I’m trying to make a Rigid Body Joint constraint that can be disrupted by outside forces and collisions.
For example, if I had a structure made of blocks, and pushed it over, only the blocks that underwent the most impact would break apart from the rest of the model - So basically, a realistic collapse.

But so far, I’m unsure as to how I could detect impact - or at least the velocity before impact - with the current sensors.

I’ve already looked at the Bullet Constraints addon (the one with the ‘breakable’ option for constraints); but it doesn’t seem to work with the Game Engine, so I’ve ruled it out as an option.

Is there a way to achieve this with BGE Python?

use upbge 1.9 or greater:

Thanks! I installed upbge; and it seems to open my file from regular bge just fine.
However, nothing retained its texture or material… anything that had a texture or material is suddenly without shading, so its hard to make sense of anything. Can this be fixed?

It sounds like your textures were setup in BI not GLSL mode. UPBGE works only with GLSL mode. You really don’t want to use BI anyway. There are also a few new options for GLSL mode in upbge that might be causing issues if BI is not the problem. I’d say retexture them inside UPBGE.

I just disabled an HDR texture (mapped by reflection) from everything; that seemed to do the trick. I did like that HDR, though. My textures were created in GLSL mode, so maybe the .hdr format just isn’t supported?

Just tried out the breakable constraints, though. Exactly what I needed, thanks! :slight_smile:

Also, is there a way to detect the Impact/Reaction Force with Python? I’d like to be able to trigger a script when the object hits something/breaks.
It would also be ideal to set a breakable constraint in-game. But while I can set a regular constraint, I’m not sure how to enable the ‘use_breaking’ tickbox from code…
Here’s what I have so far:

import bge
from bge import logic
from bge import constraints
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
obj = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects
own = cont.owner
near = cont.sensors['Near']
constraint_type = 2

# get object list
objects = logic.getCurrentScene().objects

# use bottom right edge of Object1 for hinge position
edge_position_x = 0
edge_position_y = 0
edge_position_z = 0

# rotate the pivot z axis about 90 degrees
edge_angle_x = 0
edge_angle_y = 0
edge_angle_z = 0
# get object named Object1 and Object 2

for i in near.hitObjectList:
    object_1 = own
    object_2 = i
    physics_id_1 = object_1.getPhysicsId()
    physics_id_2 = object_2.getPhysicsId()
    constraints.createConstraint(physics_id_1, physics_id_2,
                                edge_position_x, edge_position_y, edge_position_z,
                                edge_angle_x, edge_angle_y, edge_angle_z)
    bge.constraints.breaking_threshhold = 0

Thanks for all the help!