breast bounce


What’s a good way for making convincing breast bounce movement that’s mostly automatic and could be baked into the animation?

I tried with softbodies and it just imploded like a bubble and took a lot of cpu :frowning:

I also tried with bones but it just looked weird and pulled too much.

Also please note the format i’m exporting to is vertex animated only so about any animation method would work.

Now when you say “you tried with bones” what do you mean ? What kind of constraints did you use ? …

If you haven’t tried already try using the stretch to constraint . Just add a bone for each boob and add the stretch to contraint and a target bone for the constraint . Assign all the applicable boob vertices to the bone with the constraint … and I think you will wind up with the results you want … The stretch to constraint maintains the volume of the assigned vertex group so is ideal for organic stuff as well as squash and stretch “toony” applications .
To animate said boobs just key the target bones .

… Gee hope your old enough to play with digital boobs …

If the effect isn’t what you want try doing a search on this forum … I remember there was a post about this not that long ago … And yes the key word you’ll have to use is “boobs” …

You could also try attaching an empty to each breast as a hook (Ew - that sounds painful!), parent the hooks to the nearest bone (Or vertex parent them to three verts around the breasts) and make an animation offset of ¼ - ½ frame or so.

It is possible with softbodies:

Who knows, maybe the blends are still available?
