Brick Texturing Question

I am trying to make a realistic brick wall and I would like to know the best way to make it look the most realistic. I know you can do it without an image because guru had a tutorial about that a long time ago but I didn’t think that method gives a realistic result and its probably outdated by now. I was looking on because they have a lot of brick textures but I have some questions about them.
First off, under the textures it sometimes says a few words. I know what tiled means but what does “set” mean.
Next question. Most textures don’t have shadows on the bottom of the bricks like this one:
Are they trying to avoid these types of shadows? If so why?

“set” means there is more than 1 image for that link.

For current gen graphics there is no “colormap” shadows the lighting from shaders(normal maps) add the highlights-having added highlights/shadows is problematic—but if you are making textres for older games having the shadows isnt bad.

there is an older bricj done with nodes

did you see it

it looks not bad at all but no shadows!


Oh okay that makes a lot of sense. I tried normal mapping one with crazy bump and it worked out alright.
Although I feel like I should choose a higher quality texture and maybe lower the intensity of the normal map.

Although I feel like I should choose a higher quality texture and maybe lower the intensity of the normal map.

Indeed. I think if he would have done a little more with it, it could have looked a lot better. Still very well done and clever though.

If anyone has a premium cg textures account I would really appreciate it if you could send me the Medium sized tiled version of this texture:

Thank you very much!