Brigadier Bot - a concept from Andrew Ley

Hey guys,

I know my work in progress thread is still running…but I’m done with it! I’ll still take every comments and critics tho! Since I might make a few changes in the end!

The background image is a photograph. I composited the bot and the photo using photoshop and I added a few things here and there :smiley:

So there are two versions as you might see. One wrecked, another in almost perfect shape! I hope you like them, and be sure to give me your comments and critics!

Simply beautiful! Great job! :smiley:

WOW! amazing…just one crit…the one which is wrecked isnt really wrecked…cuz it looks like u jus re-did the top and didnt pay attention to the feet…i think you should add some wreckage to the feet…Then it will be amazing!
Nevertheless 5 stars!

Really incredible,
You should be proud

Nicely done, Ecks!


Love this one Ecks.

Superb work.

Whoa dude! Nice stuff, so is that a pretty heavy mesh?


i ph34r your mighty skillz!!

Really cool bot, as always…

Great work X

Wow! I’m planning on doing a mech eventually, and I hope mine turns out half as good as yours.
This looks like it should be in the gallery. claims they are nonexist. :frowning: So thus, I cannot view your images and I would like very much to be able to see them…

Really cool bot! Good composition, model and texturing. Really like the smoke coming from the ground where his foot is. Wrecked model still has those lights turned on and it should be off in my opinion.
Anyway great job

Okay, I finally can view the images!

Wow! That is all I can say, Wow! It is amazing and the colors are right on the spot! Very powerful! Please make more! Lol!

Keep it up!

Composition - 5 Stars
Lighting - 5 Stars

Texturing - about a 3 star. Sorry, but the lack of some colour variation, scratches and dirt really hurts this imo. Some more time spent on actually doing proper textures would have sold this one 100%.

Nice model and composition though. Really well done on the smoke integration via post work. Really, really well done.


Hey guys!

Thanks alot for the comments and critique!

trak wrecka: yeah you’re right about the wrecked. Maybe I should have worked more on it but at first I just wanted it to look like it had been shot on the torso without further damage. But I guess that comes along with BgDM’s critique. The texturing is far from being perfect. I’ve been a bit lazy on it! I should have put more time into it.

Altho I felt it was finished, I did a couple of last modification on the renders (update in first post). But now they are finished! But keep the critiques coming, they mean alot for me!

Keep em coming! :slight_smile:

this is definately a great step forward for you Ecks. The composition and lighting are fantastic. I feel the textures are adequate, the dynamic lighting doesnt really call for huge detail in this area, i tihnk.

I think you should drop the “wrecked” render… its confusing and feels a lot like a poorly considered afterthought.

My only dice I have with the render is probably the pose, the arm on the left looks stiff and linear (it is difficult to tell what it is doing), and probably my least liked feature is the head sort of dissappears, you really have to look for it. not sure how you’d make it “pop” though.

I think maybe its that the legs look like they’re leaning the robot forward, but the torso is leaning back?

You’re definately onto a winner here, I’m glad to see such rich colour in one of your renders :stuck_out_tongue:


Forgot to rate, my bad :stuck_out_tongue:

excellent work man
keep it up

Add the melting to the feet instead, then it’s tops!

make a great poster.