Broken Alliance models

I’ve joined the Broken Alliance team as a modeller. They’re not very good at giving critics so maybe you guys can help instead.

This gate is almost finished, just going to make a bumpier bottom floor, the flloors are thicker now, but I didn’t feel that it was necessary to post a new picture just because of that. This building is 3774 triangles.

Critics and Comments are as usual welcome.

P.S I’m not the author of the concept drawing.

Hurray, I got so many good replies.

I have a tiny update on the interior:

Looks pretty good to me. <:P Sorry, there’s not really much I can say.

The outside looks lego-ish. Is it meant to? Or are you going to add more details/textures later?

Looks cool though, especially the inside.

Thanks. It’s supposed to be a realistic model so ofcourse it wioll have to get textured then. I’m not good at texturing so someone else will have to that. Yesterday I practiced texturing a bit and it turned out pretty great.
It’s a medieval medikit with 256^2 textures.