Using Blender 2.55-beta, 2010-oct-28, Mac OSx v.10.6.5
Somehow I’ve broken the Header controls that bring the manipulator up for view in my file. As a result, I can only use ctrl-space to bring it up. And in doing so, can only see the grab manipulator in whatever transform space I had it in last (gimbal I think).
So, clicking on the buttons on the header does nothing for the manipulator in my file.
One more clue to the mystery… if I load up the factory presets, the manipulator buttons on the header work fine.
What mystery key combination did I stumble in to to break things?
Also, is there a way to restore default keys and settings on a file you’ve been working on without it deleting everything and replacing it with the cube?
Update: I finally figured it out in case someone else had this problem. Apparently I had split the window and then stretched the top window until the bottom was gone except for its header. I was using the header to a window I couldn’t see. Recombining the windows solved it as would be expected.
Thanks to everyone who checked out the thread with the intent to help.