Brush Quickset add-on

[Moved from this thread to its own dedicated thread and edited by moderator @Metin_Seven]

Brush Quickset is a free Blender add-on to ease control of the brush size and strength using right mouse-button gestures. It works in Sculpt Mode, Vertex Paint mode and possibly more brush-based modes.


The add-on was created by @jynell and updated for more recent Blender versions by @Amandeep.

:bulb: To use a different mouse-button or key, assign it to brush.modal_quickset in Blender’s Preferences ➔ Keymap.

Download: (22.2 KB)


perfect, it seems to work now, no errors in the console again… thank you so much :heart:


@Metin_Seven fixed :smiley:


Cool, thanks! :+1:

And @MichaelBenDavid , thanks for the notice! :+1:


Thank you, it is so useful


@Metin_Seven the addon works correctly for Vertex paint and perhaps also for weight/ texture paint, so I think the “for Blender sculpt mode” should be changed in the topic title. The old addon topic had these modes in the name too.

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Thanks, fixed in the first post’s title and text.

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Blender should make it it default, it’s a step towards more natural intuitive workflow.


Agreed! I’ve proposed it to Joe over at about half a year ago.


Or perhaps have the addon distributed and active by default on Blender releases.
If they can’t take time to integrate it, or it’s complicated to integrate.

Actually, the addon doens’t work for Grease Pencil at all, there were other entries for brush size that were mapped to the same key, which I mistakenly identified as part of Brush Quickset. I would really like to see this fixed :innocent:

I think the addon only works in sculpt mode.

@Amandeep here’s a quick demo for Vertex Paint and Brush quickset. It’s the same dual axis widget for both modes :wink:

I’m so glad this little add-on is still around and working! Thanks for updating the .PY for latest versions and for keeping this thread alive.

Does anyone have the Python brain power to alter the .PY so the brush icon stays locked in space while dragging the radius and strength?

As much as I love this add-on, it kind of drives me nuts that the brush icon moves with your cursor as it drags across screen.


+1 I would also love to have the option to fix the brush’s origin while changing the size!

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You know, I’d actually be up for hiring someone to do it.

Since this addon is now “community maintained”, I’m guessing it would be okay to hand off to a Blender developer for tweaks such as keeping the brush origin locked while dragging etc.

Where would one look for a coder/developer for hire to do that? I found one fellow that seems to have the skillset on Upwork. Any other places to look for Blender developers?

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Why not post your request in Latest Jobs/Paid Work topics - Blender Artists Community ?

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Thanks for the tip, Metin. Very few replies to posts there, but worth a try.

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No worries, people don’t reply to posts there to apply for jobs, you’re supposed to message the job poster directly instead of replying :slight_smile:

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Ah, so there’s hope. Thanks :+1:

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