Brushes for texture painting

I increased the spacing to 35 under stroke and looks like it works like I was trying to. :slight_smile:



I will try this now, thanks.

Edit :

Yes, it works :trophy:

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I just wanted you to know…as far as in Blender, it looks like you got things well in hand! The watercolor-ish last image is really working well for you!

Good Luck!


Not without all the help I got here. Thanks all :slight_smile:

I have a question though. How to save this, so that I do not have to repeat creating this brush / brush settings each time?

Save your brush as a new name and keep it as a file for creating more brushes in and you can append them into your project file, or you can save your defaults file with the brush in it so that every time you open blender it is available. I tend to keep a folder of each brush type as a library and append what I need to my project.

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One thing I normally do is not extend the brush image to the sides of the “square” area of the brush. When the texture goes right up to the square edges it will produce straight seams on the texture.

This is one of my grungy ones, note that the brush image does not extend to the sides so it will not make those straight lines where the image ends.


Good point - the scale of a single image to a brush tip usually needs to be around 1.6 on all 3 axis, unless you are using Tiled or 3D mapping on the brush texture. Also a cool effect can come from loading a whole grunge image as a Stencil Image in the Masking options up there where you usually assign a texture to use the Mask tool on - that can get you even more variation. Complex models can also benefit from turning on Cavity Masking and adjusting the falloff there to keep the grunge to the crevices and off the edges.

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