[BSC1] Modern Tank

Hello! I’m partecipating the BlendSwap contest.
This is the model I’m working on for the contest.
I started from the track. Hope you like it.

Is there any other thread about entries for this contest in this forum? I’d like to see other contenders works.

Very nice! Don’t know if you have this web site. http://www.military-meshes.com/forums/

Nice job on the detail so far. It looks promising!

Thank you!
Here the latest result.

I made the guns!


the barrel looks great
love it

it’s really very great! i want to see finished!

All i see is awesomeness! Love the tank tracks.

That was fast. Nice detail on the barrel. Keep it up! :slight_smile:

Thank you all! As soon as possible new updates.

Some little additions. Tomorrow maybe a video of the tracks.

That is so cool - makes me wish I had a toy like that to play around when I was a young 'un.

Here’s a little animation of the tracks. The movement is made with constraints, for both the track and the gear, just moving the body of the tank.

Some progress.

Do anybody have some good reference of the back of the chaingun? I can’t find any!:no:

Started the texturing. How does it look?

Great texturing and model. Keep it up!

Looks good! Keep it up!

Texturing almost finished.

Composition on a photo. How does it look?

Thank you!

About second one, shadows are very harsh at the ground, and they are looking flat (Suggesting that ground benath is flat by itself). I would personally add slight DOF effect to background, and maybe play with gamma and… color correction. But anyways? Very good :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t use so extreme “camera angles”, you have put lot of details into the tank and it looks really nice, but the picture doesn’t show how much work you have put into it.

Personally i would move the camera to position where every1 could see the detail, probably facing sligtly down, to see the stuff on the turret turning the turret so that the guns are maybe facing slightly to the camera :confused: