BSoD: Introduction to Character Animation tutorial

Cosimo_0: looking good! Make sure you give yourself credit for translating on the index page.

bELi: I checked out the video, looks good. I left a couple comments on your thread.

Glad you worked it all out!

So, if I understand it correctly, I move the one vertice over, select all the vertices, hit E to extrude, but don’t move, Click the Right Mouse button to exit Move/Extrude, then hit S to scale them? Below is what I came up with following that.

walkercreations: yep, that’s right. Does it work?

It does work, but my only concern is that the second vertice in from the top is not aligned to the grid or parallel with the one beside it. Does that matter?

I guess my problem was that I was misunderstanding the first part of that section as it said to extrude and move the vertices and then the next part went on about scaling them. So part two of the tutorial on that is the only part that I am actually using to model and part one was just an example of extrusion. To me the wording is confusing as I was trying to do both and that’s what was messing me up.

I’m following the tutorial at;

However at the point where it shows the selection of a bone in weight paint mode;

Instead of the bone being selected, clicking the bone instead flicks the screen back to object mode;

The picture shows what it looks like (I can’t make the bone light up) - the trouble is I can’t select the bones in weight paint mode. I must be missing something obvious but I can’t find it. It doesn’t seem to be a bug as it happens in Linux and Windows.

I can select the area by selecting the bone in Link and Materials (on the left) but I still can’t actually make the bone light up in weight paint mode and therefore I cannot grab it and see if I’m painting properly.

Any ideas?

Okay I think I’ve found the answer though it took me a while. First go to pose mode then click the mesh then go to weight paint mode. It has to be in that order.

I had a note in the next section, saying “In order to select other bones in the armature, the armature has to be in Pose mode.” . . .

I moved that note up one section so it’s visible at as soon as you first enter Weight Paint mode

What I didn’t realise was that in pose mode I could actually select the mesh - I was therefore going to object mode and then going to weight paint.

Excellent tutorial (it obviously took a lot of work) I’ve learnt a whole bunch off stuff like mirroring, modifiers, Alt+B clipping to see inside a mesh, weight painting (faster than vertex selecting in Gus), also Alt+R and Alt+G… etc.

thank you so much for this tutorial! I am going to go through this one from the begining to the end I am probly an intermediat user and pretty decent at modeling but just scrolling on you tut I saw quite a few things that would help me. is now avalable aswell, allthough i’ve still got a lot of work around it.


How do I delete actions in the action editor - hitting the X doesn’t work; I’ve accumulated about 7 actions but only need 2.


Thanks, I should of thought of that.

Er… what happened to the table of contents? I want the table of contents! How do I find where I left off?!

hi all guy
i wanna info about HAT COMPUTER GAME.
any guy can help me?

hi .
plz help me:
i wanna info about HAT GAME COMPUTER.
about datasheet ,… .
can u help me?

I’ve got to the point where I need to add the lip sync action to the NLA editor - but I have no plane in the editor. How do I add the plane/lip sync to the editor? Okay I’ve jumped ahead of myself and just found out how by scrolling down the guide a bit!!

I’m using Ubuntu can anyone recommend a program that will add sound to the movie I rendered - in Windows this would be Virtual Dub what is it in Linux?

If you’re using Linux and Blender 2.42 you should have FFMpeg support built in. Use the sequence editor and load a .wav file.

Then in the F10 scenes button choose FFMPeg as the output format which will cause two more panels (Video / Audio) to appear. Under the audio panel click the Multiplex Audio button, choose your audio codec, e.g. “MP3”, and then render the animation using ANIM as usual, the sound will be automatically combined.


Thanks mstram.

I went to Windows and used Virtual Dub - I couldn’t see the ffmpeg option in Windows but I’m sure I’ve seen it in the Linux Blender version so I will try it next time.

Here is my Virtual Dubbed version;


Awesome tutorial, and it comes by right when I need it!. I’m using it to make my first complete fully functional character rig. I’ll post a screen here when he is finished.
This is the actual model. Including the cape in the deformations so far hasnt been a problem.
I am at 40% riggin

Great tutorial even if I am not following it exactly (since it’s not the same character and model)