doing this for the mancandy rig would be pretty cool. But any rig is a start, and the bsod ones are definately good. keep up the good work. It’ll be great when you get the foot and leg IK chains goin.
Also, having a quadruped rig would be excellent, because many people are uncertain how to go about something like that, and because that would allow people to rig both people and animals.

here’s a quad rig I came across a long time ago. (no .blend)

I will look into the mancandy rig. I simply took the BSoD rigs because I know nothing of rigging, and here was a describtion of how to fit a whole rig together (COG bone, IK level, body bone, rest of bone hieraky) that made sense to me and seemed useful.

Foot rigs are next on my list. When that is done I will have “caught up” with the BSoD tutorial except for spine rigs. But if you know what the human leg rig is going to look like, I will be happy to script it before the tutorial gets updated :slight_smile:

Quadruppled rigs is a good idea, I think that would be useful too. I am toying with the idea of a general script where you pieced together your rig from different high-level components such as an arm here, a tentacle there, a couple of chicken legs…but the more specific script gives you a faster workflow, I think…so mayby just a quadruppel script to start with…

you might want to try to automate extracting the rig also - ie if someone makes an improved rig you can just run the ‘extract rig’ command.


That sounds like a cool idea, but I am not sure I understand it :slight_smile:
Would I take a manually constructed rig and translate it into python code?

Changed the naming scheme for bones so that it now works with Blenders mirroring of poses.

@ LetterRip: I thought more about your idea. It seems it would require an internal representation of rigs (like a suitable object hierachy) or mayby even a small language of rig designs. Then the script could extract a description, and the user could edit it.
The reason I consider something this complex is that there are certain relations that would be difficult to extract, like bones pointing at their IK effectors, and bones being aligned with, but half the size of, other bones. Such relationships would not be evident simply from coordinates (even if they could be deduced, they might not be intentional).
I wonder how difficult it is to write an interpreter in python… :slight_smile:

what if you had a blend with a bunch of rigs including partial (eg hand only) and you used python to append the rig and modify coordinates. That way you could just append new rigs into your rig library blend and update your script to include the name (eventually being a simple database system that could display preview) Just a thought, but it seems appending from a blend wouldn’t be too hard and would be easier than representing in python

@ san_diego_james: That is not a bad idea. The problem, though, is the same as above. I might in the .blend file set it up so that bones are aligned and such, but once the user starts to tweak the armature to fit his/her character, these relationships would probably break. Unless I had scripted some constraints to ensure them, in which case I would still like, if not a language of rigging, then at least a base set of relevant constraints…